孤单的人 总说无所谓...
心 好挣扎
最不喜欢的人 就是你最喜欢的人
最不想见的人 却又是你最想见的
听歌 真的可以让一个人
没流泪的难过 还是难过吗?,,,
最近讨厌听收音机 比较爱听韩语歌
因为 我听得华语歌曲
都是 抒情歌 /.\
每次一听这些歌 心情就会跟着走
至于走到哪里 我也不知道
这就是 迷失吗?
给我一个理由忘记 那么爱我的你
给我一个理由放弃 当时做的决定
有些爱越想抽离 却越更清晰
而就痛的距离 是你不在身边 却在我的心里
又被带着走 这次 我又会走到哪里?
还蛮不错的 最近都在哼
When minutes become hours
When days become years
And I dont know where you are
Color seems so dull without you
Have we lost our minds?
What have we done?
But it all doesnt seem to matter anymore
When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back
You held me in your arms, I held you in mine
You picked me up to lay me down
When I look into your eyes
I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I
Im drenched in your love
Im no longer able to hold it back
Is it too late to ask for love?
Is it wrong to feel right?
When the world is winding down
Thoughts of you linger around
Have we lost our minds?
What have we done?
But it all doesnt seem to matter anymore
When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back
You held me in your arms, I held you in mine
You picked me up to lay me down
When I look into your eyes
I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I
Im drenched in your love
Im no longer able to hold it back
不想了 弄得我的偏头痛老师跟我报告
讨厌 我好讨厌 不是你 是自己
可是 讨厌自己干嘛 痛苦的 是自己...
现在 只要记得 你曾经和我说过的
要是问你 有什么是对你最重要的
我想 最好的答案一定是
Coz I can Smile a little more
Sing a little more
Feel a little more 全因為你
說好了要為幸福 一天天地練習
練習 Laugh a little more
Love myself a little more
為你我變成了 Better me
cheer up,baby girl :')